visNetwork is a R package for network visualization, using vis.js javascript library ( All the remarks and bugs returns are welcome on github :
visNetwork needs at least two informations :
Besides the help R functions, a vignette is available, and you can access and read the full javascript API :
# javascript api
vignette("Introduction-to-visNetwork") # with CRAN version
# shiny examples
shiny::runApp(system.file("shiny", package = "visNetwork"))
Or visit our online documentation :
nodes <- data.frame(id = 1:10,
label = paste("Node", 1:10), # add labels on nodes
group = c("GrA", "GrB"), # add groups on nodes
value = 1:10, # size adding value
shape = c("square", "triangle", "box", "circle", "dot", "star",
"ellipse", "database", "text", "diamond"), # control shape of nodes
title = paste0("<p><b>", 1:10,"</b><br>Node !</p>"), # tooltip (html or character)
color = c("darkred", "grey", "orange", "darkblue", "purple"),# color
shadow = c(FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, TRUE, TRUE)) # shadow
## id label group value shape title color shadow
## 1 1 Node 1 GrA 1 square <p><b>1</b><br>Node !</p> darkred FALSE
## 2 2 Node 2 GrB 2 triangle <p><b>2</b><br>Node !</p> grey TRUE
## 3 3 Node 3 GrA 3 box <p><b>3</b><br>Node !</p> orange FALSE
## 4 4 Node 4 GrB 4 circle <p><b>4</b><br>Node !</p> darkblue TRUE
## 5 5 Node 5 GrA 5 dot <p><b>5</b><br>Node !</p> purple TRUE
## 6 6 Node 6 GrB 6 star <p><b>6</b><br>Node !</p> darkred FALSE
edges <- data.frame(from = sample(1:10, 8), to = sample(1:10, 8),
label = paste("Edge", 1:8), # add labels on edges
length = c(100,500), # length
arrows = c("to", "from", "middle", "middle;to"), # arrows
dashes = c(TRUE, FALSE), # dashes
title = paste("Edge", 1:8), # tooltip (html or character)
smooth = c(FALSE, TRUE), # smooth
shadow = c(FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, TRUE)) # shadow
## from to label length arrows dashes title smooth shadow
## 1 9 8 Edge 1 100 to TRUE Edge 1 FALSE FALSE
## 2 2 7 Edge 2 500 from FALSE Edge 2 TRUE TRUE
## 3 6 1 Edge 3 100 middle TRUE Edge 3 FALSE FALSE
## 4 1 4 Edge 4 500 middle;to FALSE Edge 4 TRUE TRUE
## 5 7 6 Edge 5 100 to TRUE Edge 5 FALSE FALSE
## 6 5 2 Edge 6 500 from FALSE Edge 6 TRUE TRUE
nodes <- data.frame(id = 1:5, group = c(rep("A", 2), rep("B", 3)))
edges <- data.frame(from = c(2,5,3,3), to = c(1,2,4,2))
visNetwork(nodes, edges, width = "100%") %>%
visNodes(shape = "square") %>% # square for all nodes
visEdges(arrows ="to") %>% # arrow "to" for all edges
visGroups(groupname = "A", color = "darkblue") %>% # darkblue for group "A"
visGroups(groupname = "B", color = "red") # red for group "B"
Configuration options are available in visOptions, visInteraction, visLayout, visHierarchicalLayout, visPhysics :
nb <- 10
nodes <- data.frame(id = 1:nb, label = paste("Label", 1:nb),
group = sample(LETTERS[1:3], nb, replace = TRUE), value = 1:nb,
title = paste0("<p>", 1:nb,"<br>Tooltip !</p>"), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
edges <- data.frame(from = trunc(runif(nb)*(nb-1))+1,
to = trunc(runif(nb)*(nb-1))+1,
value = rnorm(nb, 10), label = paste("Edge", 1:nb),
title = paste0("<p>", 1:nb,"<br>Edge Tooltip !</p>"))
It’s possible to add more custom legend on nodes / edges ! Default on groups (like in previous versions) :
Or passing data :
You can highlight nearest nodes and edges clicking on a node with highlightNearest option :
It’s now possible to control the degree of depth (visNetwork >= 0.1.2) :
You can also select nodes by id/label with a list with nodesIdSelection :
And select some nodes by the values of a column using selectedBy option :
And some data manipulation tools :
You can use and control hierarchical layout with visHierarchicalLayout and visLayout :
You can use Font Awesome icons using groups or nodes options. Font Awesome library ( is not part of default dependencies. use addFontAwesome() if needed.
# don't run here
nodes <- data.frame(id = 1:3, group = c("B", "A", "B"))
edges <- data.frame(from = c(1,2), to = c(2,3))
visNetwork(nodes, edges, width = "100%") %>%
visGroups(groupname = "A", shape = "icon", icon = list(code = "f0c0", size = 75)) %>%
visGroups(groupname = "B", shape = "icon", icon = list(code = "f007", color = "red")) %>%
visLegend() %>%
New visTree function allows to visualize and customize a rpart classification and regression tree. Have a look to visTreeEditor to edity and get back network, or to visTreeModuleServer to use custom tree module in R.
With visNetworkOutput and renderVisNetwork. Using with shiny, and enabled options nodesIdSelection, you can access to new input with current selection value. Morevoer, you can do a lot of things with visNetworkProxy
output$mynetwork <- renderVisNetwork({... visOptions(nodesIdSelection = TRUE)}) # created input$mynetwork_selected
And with selectedBy, new input input$mynetwork_selectedBy.
You can also control :